Part III – The MBTI preferences can be helpful when working on challenges and making decisions. Part II of the series focused on how you prefer to take in information. This part focuses on how you make decisions based on this information.

As described by Myers Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI), Thinking (T) and Feeling (F) are terms to explain the different ways in which people prefer to make decisions.

People with a preference for Thinking are more likely to:

  • Seek logical clarity
  • Remain detached, weighing pros and cons
  • Search for the flaws in an argument
  • Strive to be fair

People with a preference for Feeling:

  • Seek emotional clarity
  • Remain personally involved, weighing values
  • Search for points of agreement in an argument
  • Strive to be compassionate

These preferences are not mutually exclusive. All of us use Thinking and Feeling, but we prefer one over the other. Reliance on just one preference can impede effective decision making. You want to make sure you have both voices at the table when discussing and identifying solutions.

Part IV – The fourth preference pair, Judging (J) and Perceiving (P), describes how you like to live your outer life.

People with a preference for Judging:

  • Like to have things decided.
  • Appear to be task oriented.
  • Like to make lists of things to do.
  • Try to avoid last-minute stress.

People with a preference for Perceiving:

  • Like to stay open to respond to whatever happens
  • Appear to be loose and casual, keep plans to a minimum.
  • Work in bursts of energy.
  • Find last-minute pressures energizing.

These two different preferences often play out in the work environment as conflict in workstyles. It’s important to provide the environment to exercise both preferences. For instance, give those with a preference for Perceiving some flexibility and space for ideas to surface and be incorporated. Give those with a preference for Judging a timeframe and the ability to integrate deadline driven decisions and tasks.

MBTI is a great tool for enhancing effective communication, resolving conflict, and leveraging individual strengths. If you are interested in bringing an MBTI session to your workplace, reach out to us.