• Host your next staff meeting outside! Enjoy the remaining pleasant days with the meeting in the open air. Plan to have your peeps bring their own lawn chairs.
• Arrange for an ice cream truck to visit your location with the music blaring. It’s fun and will remind your employees of all the fun summers they had growing up. If your community doesn’t have travelling ice cream trucks available, run to the store and grab a variety of delicious, ice cream bars and treats. Don’t forget to bring classic popsicles for the lactose intolerant!
• Take a moment to have a quick, fun cornhole competition on the sidewalk out front.
• Or bring a portable basketball hoop and play rounds of H-O-R-S-E for bragging rights.
• Play tourist in your own city. COVID put a damper on travel, so encourage your employees to take a short tour of their own town. Make up a fun scavenger hunt to have them snap selfies in front of local landmarks. See who finds the most!

There are plenty of ways to celebrate the last days of summer. Just take a moment to think creatively before Pumpkin Spice flavored EVERYTHING starts creeping into all facets of our Fall life.